“Con-Texts” for reflection, Nos. 6–10

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to unfold unevenly across the world, here in the U.S. many individuals and communities are also wrestling with pressing issues of systemic racism and injustice. It’s a time when moments of introspection are all the more crucial for our well-being.

We’re pleased to bring you more prompts for reflection from community artist Con Christeson (featured in Episode 24 of the MOCRA Voices podcast), based on prompts she has been posting in the window of her Red Chair Studio in south St. Louis. Even though Con has framed these questions for this challenging moment, I think you’ll find they are ones that could stimulate our imagination any day.

Enjoy this second compendium of “Con-Text” reflection prompts. Read the first five prompts here, and the third set here, and follow MOCRA on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to keep up-to-date on new ones.

David Brinker
Director, MOCRA

No. 6

The windows of the world are __________. 

I plan to:

( ) Close them.(  ) Open them. 
(  ) Climb out.(  ) Climb in. 
(  ) Wash them.(  ) Replace them.
(  ) Look in.(  ) Look out.
(  ) None of the above.(  ) Some of the above.
(  ) Find the light.(  ) Find the door

No. 7

I want to shut the door on __________ .

I don’t see the door that leads to __________ .

I can find the door to __________ .

We can build a door that opens __________ .

No. 8

I am present

I speak clearly of __________ 

I listen carefully to __________ 

I dream in color about __________ 

I move gently toward __________ 

No. 9

Eyes: From inside out, I look for __________ .

Windows: From inside out, I watch for __________ .

Souls: From outside in, I look and watch and wait for __________ .

No. 10

A Mapper Manifesto

The destination was:  __________ 

Along the way, let go of: 
1. _________________ 
2. _________________ 
3. _________________ 

Along the way, found:
1. _________________ 
2. _________________ 
3. _________________

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